
How To Get A $ 100 From PlayTagg With Easy Steps

How To Get A $ 100 From PlayTagg With Easy Steps

Easy Steps How To Get A $ 100 From PlayTagg

To you or PlayTagg Tagg users who yesterday getting giveaway from Ang Bao Node. Initially I too felt confused, how to play how to dollar giveaway results of which we can get to develop. It was from some users, including myself, there is still a confusion of terms in playing Tagg. And yesterday I try to understand and wonder to one of the fans of their pages. As a result I can understand a little bit, therefore this occasion I want to share what it is and how the heck playtagg game. Let's Consider the following is the explanation. I hope this article can help you still fail to understand what it Tagg pickles and how to play.

Basic Introduction About TAGG / Playtagg

1. What is TAGG / Playtagg?

TAGG is a strategy game that is designed to allow players to get USD / Money when they play. To play this game you need to get the balance of the investment or ang bao event held at the beginning of the game (weeks to 2 February to 10 March 2016). TAGG is a mobile game that is currently in the process of making APK to Google Playstore and iOS. So while it's playing, you have to access their official website

2. Where did they get the money to pay your benefits?

Tagg is the product of a forex company in singapore named SIX CAPITAL official website is here (http://sixcapital.sg/) where they hope to establish Tagg this game there will be a lot of people are investing for them. Money that comes in is used to provide leverage to the players in the forex SIX CAPITAL.

(Ie when you play forex with 50 usd but can play the funds 5000 4950 usd usd money was coming from investors Tagg) so that they will benefit more and instead had to borrow money, then you will be compensated.

six capital playtagg

3. Why Tagg / PlayTagg still unclear on the internet and there is no any info on other websites?

Tagg / Playtagg is a new product which was launched in February 2016 so natural that if you can not find much information about Tagg / Playtagg. And they are also just starting to give Ang Bao Node gift to you to start the start of play.

To start the game and generate USD / Dollar is no need to know a few terms in the following games:

  • Node >> are pieces of energy-generating usd for you, will never be lost, expired, can not be transferred, and will never lose its face value (guaranteed by the company SIX CAPITAL) There are three types of nodes, namely Green for 10 usd, Blue costing 100 usd, and Yellow for 1,000 usd.
node playtagg

  • Yield>>  is the amount of money generated by your node.
  • Salvage >> destroy your node to be melted into the wallet temporarily
  • Deploy >> enable node sehinnga yielding
  • Nexus >> collection of 10 nodes into one pyramid
  • Hexa >> nexus being a collection of 6 hexagons
  1. Area 1 is called the Nexus Prime
  2. Area Nexus 2 is called Nova
  3. Area Nexus 3 is called Occula
  4. Area Nexus 4 is called Luna
  5. Area Nexus 5 is called Juno
  6. Area Nexus 6 is called Omega
play tagg nexus

  • Stimpack >> is a feature to increase your monthly income by turning off features that you can not salvage melt stimpack current node is activated, but with activating your stimpack usd greater income every month.


How to Play Tagg / PlayTagg

Earn money while playing with Tagg! Node start getting results from you today by following these steps:

  • Log in to www.playtagg.com for you who already have an account Tagg
  • Sign Up Here for Tagg new account if you do not already have
  • How to register Tagg Click Login and then select Sign Up, register by email wrote, please login using facebook.
tagg signup

  • Fill in the registration form as usual, remember to use the original name in accordance with your ID card. Because if you do not use real names suite could not be cashed.
  • After signing up, do not forget your email confirmation. then please login to Tagg with your account details enter your email and password.
  • Then to start playing Tagg in order to generate a lot of dollars that Begin by deploying node (can be from an event or top up via bank transfer or credit card, if you do not have a credit card please use a virtual credit card or VCC). The next step let alone .. and yield will flow each week. Yield you get this free will you withdraw or to deploy nodes again.

tagg signup 2

  • The amount of yield that would be obtained is 0-5% (if stimpack in the off position). If you activate stimpack then the percentage will change according to how long you choose a duration stimpack. For example, if agan choose 3 months, the initial benefits will be changed to 0-5% 3-6%.
tagg signup 3

  • Currently active stimpack the Salvage feature can not be used and there is no other way to undo than waiting until it ends
  • Stimpack always active at the beginning of the month until the end of the month, even if you turn on the 15th or regardless of date.
  • How to predict how much yield will I get the value of your node is divided by 100, for example: if you have $ 500, then every week or less will generate $ 5.
  • Well how this compute node's value? Node value does not come from how many nodes you have yet come from your node number plus the shadow node of referral agan.
tagg signup 4

  • You can count on a weekly report by adding a second face by a yellow sign. Thus, in this example the nominal value of the node I is $ 780 + $ 540 = $ 1,320 or less so I can get $ 13.2 each week (rough estimate).
  • Some other factors that make the value of the yield that you get up and down are: the number of your node, the number of your referrals, Tagg's performance in the financial markets, what events you follow, and how you develop and node formation (discussed later)
  • Node Shadow / Reflection NODE
  • Playtagg advantages of a bank that provides interest is a feature node reflectionnya. How does it work? Every referral that you invite and do deploy node (no matter of the event or top up) then it will also be reflected in your dashboard. Node reflection will be marked with a red dot on it.
tagg signup 5

  • Each one nexus same node can only accept 3 shadow of the same people, but they can receive from the different nodes
  • When nexus has changed, you can receive another node of the people who previously had to deploy three nodes relfection in your report.
  • An illustrative example, A = YOUR FRIENDS First B = C = FRIENDS Second. Here's weekly report that will appear
nexus 1

  • Each node will have an income yield reflection intact as a normal node, so agan will have a larger income with many referrals.
  • Do penah perform salvage all, because all the nodes of your reflection will also disappear. Basically the node belongs to your friend and when the node is in the salvage, you will not get any balance. Likewise if your friends do the salvage on the node, then the node reflection you will also disappear. Make sure you continue to play with a friend if you do not want to lose node reflection!
  • If you are smart enough, in one nexus can be filled three nodes each person then you only need 3 people to deploy three nodes at the same time (3x3 = 9 nodes) so that the nexus will be full even without the node you buy though.

formation Node

  • Why does this fomasi important if you seriously want to be a player Tagg? because the bonus given enough time agan begin to understand bonus amplification. The bonus amount can agan see every week on the weekly reports and can only be obtained by completing the nexus until full
  • For this tutorial system Tagg currently written, each node is deployed will always be a sequence of 1 to 10 and you can not move the node
  • Especially for node No. 1, 1x hex filled only thereafter will start from No. 2 to 10 to hexa resolved
  • Bonus amplification can easily be explained in the figure below.
  • Never underestimate the amplification bonus, imagine if the second tier gold filled nodes where every week produces $ 10. Then the amplification bonus for 1 gold node is $ 1 for each node!
  • Sometimes some Tagg event requires that you make mashed Nexus (nexus with the same color entirely) it is a little difficult when we have referrals that often deploy nodes with different colors, so you're forced to do salvage the node relfection sake of completing the event.
tagg nodes

Some Other Tips

  • Do not ever hesitate to buy node via a credit card, all the nodes will never expire or decrease in value. You can withdraw the corresponding node nominal purchase anytime you want.
  • When you make a payout under $ 1000 are advised to use paypal because it is more effective and low fees.
  • Stay active and make communities agan with your closest friends, so it's easy finishing node without the need to bother to buy it.
  • Currently Tagg is a Web-Based Games. Tagg will release the next version of ios and android application which will yield more opportunities to get through these games
  • Once again do not be embarrassed to ask, there are times when you are successful even without noticeably.

How to withdraw money in Tagg / PlayTagg

  1. Make sure you've added a bank account / paypal at Tagg / PlayTagg before payout. How to Add Bank Account / paypal in PlayTagg for Withdrawal please read other articles below.
  2. Select the money you'll melt, whether Yield or Node that will be drawn. If your money is still shaped Node or Yield in advance in order to make money in your wallet. Select the Dashboard menu and select the following menu.

Select Salvage Node:
  • Partial Salvage >> then destroy certain nodes
  • Full salvage >> destroy all nodes
Select Harviest Yield:
  • Harviest Yield >> harvest the money generated by the node
tagg sumary

Remember: If you destroy all nodes (full salvage node) then you no longer produces Yield. So do not destroy node if you want to withdraw money from Node, select partial salvage (destroying certain nodes so that you still have a node that produces Yield). If I never destroy the game, it was instead I added node her to produce more yield.

3. Furthermore, after exchanging Node or Yield to your Wallet. Wait money Wallet login and then click on the payout profile and select your method of disbursement. able to paypal and bank transfer payment methods depending on what you enter in the profile at the earliest.

4. If you melt before the 15th calendar then the money will be transferred on the 7th of the following month. And if you melt above the 15th, they will come round next month.

Thus a complete tutorial on How to Play in Tagg / PlayTagg to Generate Dollar, hopefully with the above explanation is understandable. Salam Taggers !!
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